JFB Enterprises can custom manufacture a Confined Space or SCBA Mask Confidence Training gallery to suit your Fire Department's needs. These specially built Training Galleries can be either stationary, or mounted in US DOT approved trailers. Larger 5th wheel trailer systems or smaller "Tow behind" trailer systems are available.
The SCBA maze cage can be a two or three level cage system which is easy to reconfigure and easy to change the layout. This feature ensures that the students are continually tested and do not become overly familiar with the layout of the maze cages. Artificial smoke can also be included to further challenge the students in their training.
From a safety standpoint, the removable sides allow for easy access to the maze system. This is important, should a participant need to be removed from the maze quickly.
Various obstacles can be included in the maze or confined space system. These obstacles help the participants build confidence and also teaches them to become familiar with their SCBA equipment. The obstacles can be moved or reconfigured and their location can be easily changed within the maze system.
Features include:

Circle Obstacle

Diagonal Obstacle

Crawl Tube

Drop Thru Floor

Reconfigurable Sides

Safety Hand Rails

Swing Door

Tri Level Maze

Mobile Training Gallery